Diese Web Seite ist an alle gerichtet, die mich auf Grund der großen Entfernung in den letzten
Jahren nicht all zu oft sehen.



This web-site is for all of you, who don't see me much lately, because of the large distance and
my new home here in the US. Therefore I decided to write it in english. For all of you who don
speak english, I encourage you to learn it.

All pictures and pdf files on this web-site are my personal property. Any kind of use "privat" or "commercial"
require my "written" permission. You can get a permission by simply sending a request via e-mail.

All "Links" to other web-sites are for the purpose of education and to make life easyer.
I'm "NOT" responsible for the content on those sites and deny any involvement or knowledge of the content.

Terms and Conditions / Disclaimer


